How to succeed in an exciting new world without cookies, where privacy comes first

As technologies advance, so does the way eCommerce interact and connect with their customers. This is why it is important for entrepreneurs to keep their knowledge of trends up to date and not become obsolete.
We are witnessing the beginning of the end of cookies and big digital players, such as Google and Apple, have already started to take measures to help reduce the user data they share with other companies. In fact, Google plans to completely eliminate third-party cookies by the end of 2023 from its Chrome browser, an action that will completely change the development of the global digital marketing ecosystem.
At Retail Rocket we consider it extremely important that all the e-commerce community, regardless of the size of their business, become aware of the change that is approaching and how their marketing strategies and campaigns must adapt to this change.
With this in mind, we have developed and made available to you the downloadable: “How to succeed in a brave new cookie-less world of privacy first marketing”. In this eBook we review the basic concepts of cookies, we explain how they work and we suggest five simple strategies to achieve successful post-cookie marketing campaigns to “survive” to the death of cookies.
Download your eBook here
The opportunities that lie ahead with the end of the era of third-party cookies
While it is true that all changes generate fear and anxiety, with our guide we want eCommerce to rather focus their energy on better understanding the change that is coming and how to deal with it correctly to get the most out of it.
The end of third-party cookies should be seen as a gateway to a new internet, where eCommerce will have to rely on the origin data they collect on their own website to avoid sacrificing the personalization of the user experience.
This is the ideal time to introduce processes and tools that allow us to use first-party cookies at their full potential and that help to segment the target audience in a more accurate way by creating subcategories in regular customers to give them personalised attention, leaving behind intrusive advertising.
eCommerces need to start thinking about how to get more data directly from their own websites, apps and omnichannel touch points, and how to manage it. AI tools play a key role to help segment the audience and strengthen relationships with frequent customers through personalization.
Likewise, it must be taken into account that there are already laws such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which regulate the privacy of user data, but this is not the last update that we will hear about privacy protection regulations. Therefore, this is the ideal time for eCommerce to upgrade and go for a different approach or, in the long run, they will end up with extremely expensive costs of acquisition and retention.
If you want to know more and be prepared for the new cookie-less worlds, download the eBook at the following here.